1 What is a Regional Commission?
A Regional Commission is a quasi-governmental regional planning organization created and managed under Georgia law by their member local governments. Georgia's RCs perform many functions, but essentially develop, promote, and provide comprehensive planning and development services that seek to make Georgia and its many local communities better places to live and work. They provide professional technical assistance to state and federal agencies as well as quality growth and development.
Do Regional Commissions constitute a separate
layer of government?
No, RCs serve their local governments. They depend on variety of funding sources and have no taxing, legislative, or regulatory authority.
3 How were Regional Commissions created?
The State of Georgia allowed local governments to voluntarily join together and assess themselves local dues for hiring of professional staff for their mutual benefit. These new groups were called Area Planning and Development Commissions (APDCs). The Georgia Planning Act of 1989 reconstituted the APDCs as Regional Development Centers (RDCs). The Planning Act of 1989 gave RDCs the responsibility for developing, promoting and assisting in the establishment of coordinated and comprehensive planning in the state. RDCs underwent yet another transition in 2009 as a result of House Bill 1216, when they became Regional Commissions.
4How are Regional Commissions funded?
RCs are funded by per capita dues from county members, State and Federal funds, grants, and special projects.
5Who determines the Regional Commission program of work?
The member local governments drive the RCs programs but the RC is mandated to carry out certain efforts in order to receive federal and state funds. Local governments determine the final program of work by approving a slate of projects and programs that include locally requested projects as well as state and federal programs. Annual Work Program is adopted by the RCs Council in concert with the annual budget.
6What types of contracts do RCs receive and with what types of agencies?
A primary function of RCs is to create partnerships with state and federal agencies for funds that benefit the member local governments. The following are a few examples of some existing partnerships:
• Georgia Department of Community Affairs - Planning
• Georgia Department of Human Resources - Workforce Investment, Census Studies
• Georgia Department of Natural Resources - Historic Preservation
• Georgia Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division - Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL)
• Georgia Department of Transportation - Planning, Transit Programs
• Economic Development Administration - Economic Development Strategies
• U.S. Department of Homeland Security - Local Security
• Federal Emergency Management Agency - Hazard Mitigation.
7Do other states have Regional Commissions?
Yes, according to the National Association of Development Organizations (NADO) , there are more than 500 regional planning and development organizations operating under a variety of different names in 47 states.
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Assistant Executive Director
Transportation Director
Planning Director
Finance Director
Executive Director
Director of Lending
Transit Director
GIS Program Director
Deputy Executive Director
Director Of Aging Services
Tonia Hendricks
Community Econ Development
Community & Economic Development Director
Community & Economic Development Director
Planner II
Business Services Program Manager
ADRC Counselor
GIS Analyst
Workforce Program Monitor
Dementia Care Specialist
Transit Program Coordinator
Payroll & Benefits Specialist
Aging Fiscal Specialist
Admin Assistant
Fiscal Specialist
Fiscal Officer
PC Tech Support
ADRC Counselor
Admin Assistant
ADRC Counselor
ADRC Counselor
GIS Regional Project Manager
ADRC Assistant
Admin Assistant
ADRC Counselor
Aging & Disability Assistant
ADRC Program Manager
GeorgiaCares Coordinator
CED Grant Specialist
Transportation Analyst
ADRC Counselor
Senior Planner
GIS Regional Project Manager
Program Assistant
Grants Specialist
Screening Specialist
ADRC Counselor
Savannah Bennett
Workforce Development
Business Services Program Coordinator
Business Services Program Coordinator
ADRC Program Manager
ARDC Counselor
Program Coordinator
Assistant Loan Officer
ADRC Counselor